10 Ways to Annoy Annual Giving Professionals

Posted on 04/13/2016

10 Ways to Annoy Annual Fund ProfessionalsAnnual Giving is full of juxtapositions. It’s an art and a science. It’s fundamental but complex. It’s cyclical yet always full of surprises. It’s these contrasts that make it so challenging, interesting, and easy to love.

It’s also easy to love the people who work in annual giving. They’re curious, venturesome, and eager to improve their programs, their institutions, and their world. So how do you show the special annual giving professionals in your life how much you love them?

The answer is so simple that even children understand – you annoy them.

Here are 10 ways to annoy annual giving professionals and show them how much they mean to you:

  1. Code all managed prospects “do not solicit”
  2. Hide the call center headphones
  3. Fail to use an appeal code
  4. Do a rain dance on their Giving Day
  5. Mail in a credit card gift and leave the expiration date section blank
  6. Add the President to the appeal seed list
  7. Call them “friend-raisers”
  8. Take vacation during the last week of the fiscal year
  9. Collate before the ink is dry
  10. Forget to fulfill your pledge

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