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Poll Results: Alumni Giving & Engagement

Research conducted on 01/01/2019

The following data was collected as a part of AGN's ongoing research on industry trends and best practices. It reflects the perspectives, priorities and opinions of active fundraising professionals at educational institutions and other nonprofits. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.

How clear is your department's definition of "alumni engagement?"


Has your program ever used alumni engagement information to determine segments for appeals?


Approximately how many young alumni events did your institution produce last year?


Is your institution increasing the number of young alumni events you hold, compared to last year?


Does your institution have any giving circles for diverse donor groups?


How do you think your diverse donors would rate your institution's current diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts?



How involved in fundraising efforts are the alumni board members at your institution?


Does your institution offer advancement training to your alumni board members?


How would you rate the quality of your institution's affinity-based programming for alumni?


Does your institution offer volunteer opportunities that allow alumni to interact directly with students?


How often do your institution's alumni relations and student affairs teams interact?


Does your organization conduct surveys of its first-year alumni to identify their interests and preferences?


How much does your institution engage first-year alumni through volunteer opportunities and events?

To find additional research and discover other tools for fundraising success, visit AGN's Resource Center or contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.